What You Can Do

  • Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation. Regular attendance sets up good behaviours for regular attendance at work.
  • Help your teenager maintain daily routines such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep. On average, teenagers need 8-9 hours’ sleep to be healthy and alert. You may also need to monitor their use of the Internet, mobile phone and TV at night to ensure they are not staying up too late or being disturbed while sleeping.
  • Try not to schedule hair, dental or medical appointments during school hours.
  • Schedule family trips for school holidays, rather than during term time.
  • Don’t let your teenager stay home unless genuinely sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety.
  • Monitor your teenager’s attendance and school performance. A regular check in by phone or email is a good idea. If you have concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact us through the Home Group Teacher, Grade Leader, Assistant Principal, the Social Worker or the Principal.

Attendance in Tasmanian Government Schools (



The canteen offers a variety of food and daily specials.

These can be viewed and ordered online using the Qkr! app.


At Kings Meadows High School we value a strong partnership between students, parents/carers and school staff. We know that having this partnership with families enhances the educational outcomes for students and their on-going engagement with education. We want the best for your child as we are sure you do too. Respectful, constructive, and timely communication is a critical aspect of this partnership. Research also informs us that families can support their child by speaking positively about school, by modelling learning and through being actively involved in their child’s education. 

Parents and carers can contact school staff by coming to our school office in person, via email or through a phone call. We have a school email address and staff have their own, individualised email. Please note that all respectful communication is valued but staff may not be able to meet or respond immediately as they are often undertaking teaching duties or other relevant tasks particularly between 8.35am and 2.50pm. We endeavour to reply as promptly as possible but certainly within 48 hours, unless someone is absent. If you wish to meet a member of staff in-person, it is always best to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.

Our school has a fortnightly newsletter and Facebook. Our newsletter and other important information are delivered via the Schoolzine App (further information below).  On occasion, we might also send a text message to you. From time to time, you may also receive paper documents which usually relate to seeking your consent for major excursions or a letter from the Principal.

Please ensure you contact us if your child is absent from school for any reason. Messages can also be left on our answering service if the message is out of regular office hours (8.15 – 4.00pm).  This also applies if students are late or need to leave part way through the day. As students are not permitted to use mobile phones during the day, please ensure communication occurs through the school office as we require a signed note, in person communication or a phone call, in order to authorise students departing through the day.

There will also be opportunities to interact with staff through information evenings, celebratory events, performances and through the School Association. All parents are automatically members of the School Association unless they withdraw in writing.  The School Association Committee is always looking for new members.  This Committee provides a valuable communication channel and aims to foster co-operation amongst all members of the community in the best interests of the school.


The app is available for Apple, Android and Windows smartphones and tablets. We are asking parents/students to install our Schoolzine School App. To install, search for the name “Kings Meadows High School” in the Apple Store, Windows Store or Google Play store.

COVID - 19


For current information from Tasmanian Public Health follow the link below:


For the latest Department of Education COVID-19 updates please follow the link below:


For the latest school information please follow our school Facebook page.



As we live in a time of rapid innovation and change where each and every day students and teachers discover new ways to use technology to collaborate, teach, and learn. Our School library is at the heart of these changes by promoting and facilitating the learning of core 21st-century skills.

Our Library contains extensive non-fiction, fiction and reference collections that have been selected both to support the curriculum and to promote reading enjoyment. As well, our library houses collections of DVDs, periodicals, computer databases and teacher-reference materials.

Our library uses a fully automated TALIS circulation system. This allows students to search for resources using on-line catalogues which link to both the Kings Meadows High School Library and the State Library system.

Computers are available for students who wish to access information using the Internet. There are also word processing, printing, scanning and editing facilities.


Mobile Phone and Personal Device Agreement


Respectful Schools is a school wide approach to developing and maintaining a supportive school community. This includes our approach to behaviour management that focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.


At Kings Meadows High School, one of our key priorities is Respectful Schools & Positive School Culture.As part of this focus, we use Restorative Practices where possible.

Restorative Practice is a model of addressing wrongdoing and repairing harm by bringing together those who have had involvement in an incident or series of incidents. It recognises who has been affected and acknowledges how they have been affected.  It can provide an alternative to using punishment to manage misbehaviour. This approach is based on the premise that those who were directly involved in the situation are best placed to resolve the issues, with teacher support. It also role models how conflict can be resolved in a respectful and calm manner. 


Respect, Organisation, Commitment to Learning, Keeping Safe, Sensible Behaviour

Click here to download the Classroom ROCKS Poster


Term Dates Link:

Click here to view the Term Dates

School Hours

Administration Office is open 8.15am – 4.00pm daily during school terms.

Students should not arrive on school prior to 8.15am as there is no supervision before this time.

Class Teacher 8:40 am - 8:50 am
Period 1 8:50 am - 9:50 am
Period2 9:50 am - 10:50 am
Recess 10:50 am - 11:10 am
Period 3 11:10 am - 12:10 pm
Period 4 12:10 pm - 1:10 pm
Lunch 1:10 pm - 1:50 pm
Period 5 1:50 pm - 2:50 pm

Uniform Information:


Kings Meadows High School, along with all other high schools in Tasmania, has an official school uniform.

The school is very proud of its uniform and the way parents, staff and students have co-operated in designing it and providing it for their children.

We hope that you understand and support our strong commitment to school uniform. Kings Meadows High School is a proud school with strong traditions and uniform is one of those traditions. We ask that you encourage your child to wear their uniform every day with pride.

Uniforms can be ordered online using the Qkr app.

Uniform Policy currently under review.